LMTV Guest Signup

Hi! I’m always looking for great people to join me for a conversation about Life Mastery. If you are a professional in any field that seeks to help people grow into ever better versions of themselves, then I’d love to hear from you.

Fill out the form and click that “Submit” button. If your proposal feels like a good fit for my program, then I’ll get back to you with some proposed dates.

Thanks for dropping by!

LMTV Guest Signup
E.g. Founder, Life Mastery Systems; Professional NLP Coach; Health & Wellness Expert; etc.
Indicate which of these websites you want us to include on the guest webinar page.
This title (or something like it) will be listed on the LMTV website. Please be as CREATIVE as possible.
Choose at least one but preferably TWO or THREE topic categories for your subject *

Please provide FOUR subtopics (talking points) that you would like to cover during the program. A paragraph (2-4 sentences) for each one would be most helpful.

IMPORTANT: Provide as much text as necessary to fully describe each subtopic. This information will be used in the program description.

Provide any additional details you think are important for this conversation.

Terms and Conditions (Please Read Thoroughly)

By signing up as a guest presenter on Life Mastery TV, you are making a commitment to support the growth and distribution of Life Mastery TV episodes. Specifically, your participation as a guest requires the following from you:

  1. To get a good feel for the flow of a typical conversation, watch at least TWO full previous episodes on the Life Mastery TV website (https://life-mastery-tv.com/all-episodes/) and leave a relevant comment on each episode page (requires obtaining a free membership account). [Note: If you have previously been a guest on Life Mastery TV, please make sure to watch episodes where you are NOT the guest!]
  2. No later than 15 days prior to your scheduled airing date, provide us with the following:
    • a professional, high-quality, full-color, high-resolution (1500 x 1000 pixels or higher) image of yourself;
    • a detailed biography of yourself, with information about your background, credentials, and area of expertise;
    • the full URL of the primary website where viewers can find out about you;
    • (OPTIONAL) a separate URL for a FREE gift that you want to offer viewers (strongly recommended as this is a way for you to grow your own mailing list
  3. Commit to a promotional campaign to maximize engagement from your entire list, starting no later than 7 days prior to your scheduled airing date. This includes promotion on all your social media platforms as well as a minimum of TWO email messages to your mailing list:
    • First email no later than 7 days prior to your scheduled airing date;
    • (OPTIONAL)Another email no later than 3 days prior to your scheduled airing date;
    • Another email no later than 1 day prior to your scheduled airing date;
    • (OPTIONAL)Any other emails you deem appropriate, depending the habits of your list.
  4. Ensure that you have all necessary elements for a successful online video presentation:
    • A reasonably modern computer with web camera and microphone (must be a laptop or desktop machine; iPhones and tablets are NOT acceptable);
    • A headset with built in microphone that you have verified works with your computer (earbud headphones work well, wired or wireless);
    • Prepare for using WebinarJam technology by downloading and installing Chrome browser on your computer;
    • Make sure you have a well-lit and appealing area in which to conduct the conversation; lighting should be such that there is no light shining behind you.
  5. Monitor relevant emails from Life Mastery TV to ensure that you are fully aware of everything that needs to happen for your episode. Respond in a timely manner if requested to do so.
  6. You will receive Presenter log-in links about 24 hours before your scheduled air date. Keep your eyes open for that, and DO NOT lose the email. Remember that the link inside the email will take you to your default browser, so be prepared to copy the link into your CHROME browser when it is time to air.
  7. Commit to logging in to the Live Room (by following the link for Presenters) at least 30 minutes prior to air time.
Terms and Conditions Checkbox *


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