October 16, 2024, 1PM Eastern / 10AM Pacific

Flourishing Through Self-Love

Joy as Self-Care

(Episode #255)

Janette Stuart

Janette Stewart-Headshot

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

― Rumi

Have you noticed how easy it is to put self-care on the back burner? With so many demands on your time, it might feel indulgent or even selfish to take a moment for yourself. But what if you could discover a way to care for yourself that not only replenishes your energy but also enhances your joy and enriches every part of your life? In fact, what if you could flip that around and use joy as a catalyst for ongoing self-care? Would that make it more attractive and important to you?

For the next episode of Life Mastery TV, I’ll be joined by my friend and colleague Janette Stuart—a best-selling author, speaker, teacher, certified Angel Card Reader, blogger, pancreatic cancer survivor, and Emissary of Joy—who will share her wisdom about this topic. Here are some of the ideas we’ll be discussing:

Prioritizing Self-Care

Self-care is not something to be done as an afterthought or when you have “extra” time; rather, it’s essential to your overall well-being. When you make a conscious effort to schedule time for yourself—just as you would for an important meeting or appointment—you affirm your own worthiness. You deserve this care, and when you give it to yourself, you’ll see how it positively impacts all your relationships and responsibilities. You’ll learn how to set clear boundaries for your time and how treating your self-care as non-negotiable will boost your energy, focus, and ability to engage with others.

Simple Ways to Start or Enhance Your Practice

If you’re not sure how to begin, don’t worry. You will learn practical, easy-to-implement strategies. A key takeaway is that you don’t have to make huge changes all at once. Start small: even five to ten minutes a day doing something that makes you happy can make a significant difference. We’ll help you brainstorm a list of activities that “light you up,” encouraging you to set aside specific times to enjoy those things.

Why Self-Care is Essential

We’ve all heard the phrase “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” but how many of us actually live by that? If you are the type to put everyone else’s needs first, only to find yourself depleted emotionally, physically, and spiritually, you’ll be glad to know that self-care isn’t selfish! You can learn how to avoid the trap of sacrificing your well-being for the sake of others. Shift your mindset, recognizing that when you take care of yourself, you become a better partner, friend, parent, and colleague.

Joy as Your Compass

Joy makes an excellent compass for decision-making. You can integrate this idea into your own life so that you choose activities, commitments, and relationships that bring you joy, and stay away from those that drain your energy. By aligning your self-care practice with joy, you’ll find that not only does your quality of life improve, but you’ll also radiate positivity to those around you.

Take advantage of these actionable tools and strategies to elevate your self-care practice. Gain a deeper understanding of why self-care matters, how to incorporate it into your daily routine, and how to use joy as a guiding light in your life. Whether you’re new to self-care or looking for ways to enhance your current practices, use the inspiration and guidance you receive to embrace self-care as a transformative act of love.

Episode Guest

Janette Stuart

Janette Stuart

Janette Stuart is a best-selling author, speaker, teacher, certified Angel Card Reader, blogger, military Mom, pancreatic cancer survivor, and Emissary of Joy. She assists people in owning and embracing their divinity, and living a life of love, joy, peace, and ease. Her book series “On a Path of Joy” provides daily devotionals to help set your day’s tone.

Retired from a 36-year full-time career in Finance and Human Resources, Janette understands the struggles that working parents face. She lives in California with her husband and their boxer Spike who rescued them seven years ago. Gentleness and Joy are her Superpowers.

Find out more at: https://Angel-Angles.com/

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