Compassionate Living
Compassion is not only good for you, it is also crucial for human survival. Develop an ongoing practice of compassion and watch your life soar!
Compassion is not only good for you, it is also crucial for human survival. Develop an ongoing practice of compassion and watch your life soar!
Everyone has choice. In everything. All the time. Problem is, many choices are made unconsciously, with no regard for consequences. Time to change all that!
Chances are, you see yourself as much smaller and less significant than you really are. Believe it or not, nothing could be further from the truth!
Accepting each situation as it is, without judgment or story, provides many benefits, and facilitates your handling of whatever live brings your way.
Awareness is the foundational skill for all of Life Mastery. This is your Base Camp, where you regroup and reground before moving in any new direction.