Episodes with Tag: Heart

[Ep 245] Strong Body, Flowing Soul

May 15, 2024 | Tara De Leon

It’s essential to remember that true wellness encompasses heart, body, mind, and spirit in harmony. By embracing movement as a …

[Ep 237] Leading from the Heart

Jan 3, 2024 | Gayle Nowak

As you contemplate the insights shared in this episode, you’ll find yourself connecting to characteristics of New Earth Leaders, understanding …

[Ep 220] Enhancing Well-Being

Apr 19, 2023 | Nancy Stevens

Well-being is the conscious integration of heart, body, mind, and soul. Everything we think, say, do and feel has an …

[Ep 218] Journey of Service

Mar 15, 2023 | Kellan Fluckiger

There is something magical that happens within us when we give generously in service to other people—especially when they are …

[Ep 213] Awesomeness All Year Long

Jan 4, 2023 | Anna Pereira

Awesomeness. It’s not just a cute buzzword; it is a state of being. Awesomeness is what you really are down …

[Ep 190] Relax into Healing

Jan 19, 2022 | Jenny Hughes

Healing is a process of becoming whole. While it may involve recovering from physical injury or trauma, it affects our …

[Ep 189] Have the Life You Want!

Jan 5, 2022 | Kellan Fluckiger

You can be happy now, and have the life you want, even as you work to complete or create things …

[Ep 152] Knowing What You Want

Jun 17, 2020 | Monica Brown

Knowing what you want requires understanding of what is in your heart. You can’t just think your way into it; …

[Ep 151] What Your Subconscious is REALLY Saying

Jun 3, 2020 | Tom Heintz

Understanding the subconscious makes it possible to heal and replace dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors so as to improve life.

[Ep 141] A New Paradigm for Healing

Jan 1, 2020 | Dolores Fazzino

Healing works best when we integrate the heart, body, mind and soul into a holistic process, instead of just focusing …

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