Episodes in Category: Shadow
[Ep 199] Invisible No More
Everyone wants to be seen and heard, but sometimes fear of judgment gets in the way. Listen in and learn …
[Ep 184] Release the Prisoner!
Shadow has a powerful unconscious effect on how we show up in the world. Uncover, illuminate, heal and integrate yours …
[Ep 159] Brave Words, Courageous Actions
We all have a powerful and healing message to share with the world. It’s time to find the courage to …
[Ep 154] Let Go… and Thrive
Holding onto stuff can really impede your growth and progress in life. Learn to Let Go–authentically–and open yourself to possibilities!
[Ep 151] What Your Subconscious is REALLY Saying
Understanding the subconscious makes it possible to heal and replace dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors so as to improve life.
[Ep 148] Labels: Roadmaps or Setbacks?
Labels are useful devices for helping us to communicate about our experiences. But when do they stop being useful? Watch …
[Ep 134] Taming the Joy-Stealing Dragons
There are lots of things that show up in life to disconnect you from your joy—if you let them. Find …
[Ep 128] The Spiritual Bypass Trap
Spiritual solutions can help us heal our wounds, but often they deal only with symptoms. Go within, deal with root …
[Ep 122] Tapping into Shadow
Uncover, illuminate, heal, and integrate those hidden parts of yourself. Transform their power into something that supports you in showing …