Empowered Decisions

Empowered Decisions

Imagine having access to a source of truth and wisdom that could lead you unerringly in the right direction for your life. Imagine being able to tap into this amazing source any time you wanted to, knowing that it would always have the answers you need. Imagine releasing doubts and second thoughts about choices because of your connection to a magical power that creates certainty about who you are and why you are here. It’s all here: it’s called Intuition!

Journey of Service

Journey of Service

There is something magical that happens within us when we give generously in service to other people—especially when they are less fortunate than we are. When we live authentically, from a place of unconditional love, then we are able to bring compassion into the world effortlessly, and we expand ourselves in the process. Give yourself permission to live authentically and share your gifts with the world.

Wired for Sound

Wired for Sound

Sound and music therapy provide all kinds of benefits to health and well-being. Try a few of them and discover something that might make a huge difference in your life.

Deprivation No More!

Deprivation No More!

Diabetes doesn’t have to hold you hostage. Neither does a diet! There are simple and sustainable lifestyle changes to help you navigate the diabetes/diet journey.

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