Episodes with Tag: Intention

[Ep 157] Intuition: Your Secret Superpower

Sep 2, 2020 | Jenny Hughes

Intuition is a skill we all possess that we tend to neglect. Reconnect to your intuition, and use this superpower …

[Ep 144] The Natural Leader

Feb 19, 2020 | Chris Kyle

The Natural Leader is one who embodies all the desirable qualities of leadership while enrolling others into his/her vision and …

[Ep 127] Passion, Action, Success

Jun 5, 2019 | Anna Pereira

When we discover at least one Passion in life, and then take Action that is aligned with that passion, magic …

[Ep 121] Integrity Points the Way

Mar 6, 2019 | Megan Bryant

Integrity is a state of being in which thoughts, words, actions & emotions are holistically aligned. As such, it can …

[Ep 120] The Purpose of Purpose

Feb 20, 2019 | Chris Kyle

A clearly defined Life/Soul Purpose is a valuable inspirational tool that boosts confidence by providing both guidance and feedback.

[Ep 118] What a Difference a Choice Makes

Jan 2, 2019 | Linda Shively

Everyone has choice. In everything. All the time. Problem is, many choices are made unconsciously, with no regard for consequences. …

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