All Episodes

[Ep 159] Brave Words, Courageous Actions

Oct 7, 2020 | Laura Di Franco

We all have a powerful and healing message to share with the world. It’s time to find the courage to …

[Ep 158] Empowered Transformation from the Inside Out

Sep 16, 2020 | Jo Ann Wenner

Many of us are afraid of change, but when we bring Compassion into the picture, Empowered Transformation is much easier.

[Ep 157] Intuition: Your Secret Superpower

Sep 2, 2020 | Jenny Hughes

Intuition is a skill we all possess that we tend to neglect. Reconnect to your intuition, and use this superpower …

[Ep 156] Surviving Sexual Trauma

Aug 19, 2020 | Rachel Grant

Sexual abuse and trauma have become an epidemic in the world, and healing is often impeded by fear. Learn how …

[Ep 155] Beyond the Conscious Mind

Aug 5, 2020 | Ross Bishop

Don’t get hung up on the idea of surrendering your conscious mind. Instead, learn the skills and techniques of connecting …

[Ep 154] Let Go… and Thrive

Jul 15, 2020 | Moira Hutchison

Holding onto stuff can really impede your growth and progress in life. Learn to Let Go–authentically–and open yourself to possibilities!

[Ep 153] Your Purpose Revealed

Jul 1, 2020 | Maggie Sarfo

One way to have your purpose revealed is to consult the library of infinite experience and wisdom—the Akashic Records. Find …

[Ep 152] Knowing What You Want

Jun 17, 2020 | Monica Brown

Knowing what you want requires understanding of what is in your heart. You can’t just think your way into it; …

[Ep 151] What Your Subconscious is REALLY Saying

Jun 3, 2020 | Tom Heintz

Understanding the subconscious makes it possible to heal and replace dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors so as to improve life.

[Ep 150] Creative Flow

May 20, 2020 | Anna Pereira

Creativity is divinity expressing itself through you. It is innate, natural and unstoppable. Release fear, move into stillness, allow creativity …

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