All Episodes

[Ep 129] The Great Perfection

Jul 3, 2019 | Harry Sherwood

We all seem to want perfection, while at the same time doubting that we can ever have it. But here’s …

[Ep 128] The Spiritual Bypass Trap

Jun 19, 2019 | Nadia Kim

Spiritual solutions can help us heal our wounds, but often they deal only with symptoms. Go within, deal with root …

[Ep 127] Passion, Action, Success

Jun 5, 2019 | Anna Pereira

When we discover at least one Passion in life, and then take Action that is aligned with that passion, magic …

[Ep 126] Hear Yourself, Discover Yourself

May 15, 2019 | Sara Jane

One of the best paths to discover yourself is to pay attention to the quiet voice of your “Inner Authority”, …

[Ep 125] A Habit of Forgiveness

May 1, 2019 | JoAnn Rotermund

Forgiveness may well be the most powerful force in the universe. It relieves your own pain and suffering, and generates …

[Ep 124] Flowing as Life

Apr 17, 2019 | Laina Orlando

Flow is a powerful and energizing state of being that can improve your level of presence, awareness, confidence and inspiration …

[Ep 123] The Ultimate Relationship

Apr 3, 2019 | Marie Wallace

All relationships allow you to express and experience yourself fully. Create “ultimate” relationships that amplify this power to the next …

[Ep 122] Tapping into Shadow

Mar 20, 2019 | Karin Green

Uncover, illuminate, heal, and integrate those hidden parts of yourself. Transform their power into something that supports you in showing …

[Ep 121] Integrity Points the Way

Mar 6, 2019 | Megan Bryant

Integrity is a state of being in which thoughts, words, actions & emotions are holistically aligned. As such, it can …

[Ep 120] The Purpose of Purpose

Feb 20, 2019 | Chris Kyle

A clearly defined Life/Soul Purpose is a valuable inspirational tool that boosts confidence by providing both guidance and feedback.

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